Friday, December 12, 2008

Collector's Encyclopedia of Depression Glass

Collector's Encyclopedia of Depression Glass
Collector's Encyclopedia of Depression Glass
click image for info

Product Description - This completely revised, enlarged edition of America's #1 bestselling book on Depression glass deals primarily with the glass made from the 1920s through the end of the '30s. With the assistance of several nationally-known dealers, the book illustrates, as well as realistically prices, those items most in demand.

1 comment:

Nuga said...

I offer a set glass ware Anchor Hocking it contains
- 8 cups
- 8 cawan
- 8
- 2 cup sugar/cream
- 4 big plate about 11"
I have 30 items and i sell for it ONLY about US $ 100 (1 milion Rupiah)

you can see the pictures on :

Thank you very much. I sorry for my English not good.
mobile : +62819 0101 7878 (Indonesia)